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 Return the type of an array


    A_TYPE( <aTarget> )   ->   cType


    <aTarget> is the array whose type is returned.


    A_TYPE() returns the type of the <aTarget> as a character


    A_TYPE() returns the type of a FlexFile array.  If the array is of
    integer type and was declared as unsigned, then a "U" will precede
    the type.

    The return value is a character string such as "L" for a long
    integer or "UL" for an unsigned long integer.

    Appendix C lists all the array types and sizes.


    // Setup seven variables of differing array types.
    LOCAL aLogical  ,;
          aChar     ,;
          aTiny     ,;
          auTiny    ,;
          aInteger  ,;
          auInteger ,;
          aLong     ,;
          auLong    ,;
          aString   ,;
          aFloat    ,;

    // Declare an array for each possible type.
    aLogical  = A_DECLARE( 'B', 10 )
    aChar     = A_DECLARE( 'C', 10 )
    aTiny     = A_DECLARE( 'T', 10 )
    auTiny    = A_DECLARE( 'UT', 10 )
    aInteger  = A_DECLARE( 'I', 10 )
    auInteger = A_DECLARE( 'UI', 10 )
    aLong     = A_DECLARE( 'L', 10 )
    auLong    = A_DECLARE( 'UL', 10 )
    aString   = A_DECLARE( 'S', 10 )
    aFloat    = A_DECLARE( 'F', 10 )
    aDouble   = A_DECLARE( 'D', 10 )

    // Show the type of each array
    ? A_TYPE( aLogical )              //  Result: B
    ? A_TYPE( aChar    )              //  Result: C
    ? A_TYPE( aTiny    )              //  Result: T
    ? A_TYPE( auTiny   )              //  Result: UT
    ? A_TYPE( aInteger )              //  Result: I
    ? A_TYPE( auInteger)              //  Result: UI
    ? A_TYPE( aLong    )              //  Result: L
    ? A_TYPE( auLong   )              //  Result: UL
    ? A_TYPE( aString  )              //  Result: S
    ? A_TYPE( aFloat   )              //  Result: F
    ? A_TYPE( aDouble  )              //  Result: D

See Also: A_DECLARE()
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